Money Smart Camp: Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills are part of the 21st century learning that need to be inculcated to kids at an early age. However, as per S&P;’s (Standard and Poor) Rating, only 25% of Filipinos are financially literate and the Philippines ranked 11th out of 17 countries in Asia-Pacific based on the survey released measuring the skills on money management, financial planning and investment. Ninety percent of the parents believe that financial literacy and entrepreneurship is needed for kids but it’s not materialized in schools.

This summer, Galileo will offer a 2-module program for money management and entrepreneurship to awaken the minds of kids on the value of money and business planning. It aims to explain the concept of earn, save, spend, and donate as well as to understand the concept of counting money and starting a business through hands-on and experiential learning activities with integration of mathematical concepts. This program aims to raise awareness so that kids know how to perform wise money choices.

# of sessions 8 sessions per module
Module A April 9-27, 2018 (Money Matters for Kids)
Module B May 7-25, 2018 (Junior Entrepreneurs)
Fee P 1,800

Program Overview

Module A: Money Matters for Kids Module B: Junior Entrepreneurs
Lesson 1: All about Money
Lesson 2: Money Goes Around
Lesson 3: Ways to Earn
Lesson 4: Buyer and Seller
Lesson 5: Smart Saving
Lesson 6: Saving for your Future
Lesson 7: How to use your money the right way
Lesson 8: #MoneyGoals
Lesson 1: Money Choices
Lesson 2: Math on Money
Lesson 3: Biz for Kids
Lesson 4: Helping others by Donating and Giving Back
Lesson 5: How Grown Ups Make Money (and so can you!)
Lesson 6: Business you can create
Lesson 7: Getting your Business Out There
Lesson 8: Culminating Activity
(02) 845 1234 / (02) 553 6193